Wining a victory over an addiction is never easy. I used to scoff at smokers thinking "Well, just put that cancer stick down so it won't kill you"
I've also heard rather thin and healthy people use the same logic pointed at the over-weight. With anything that has a hold on us, it is so difficult to shut that desire down. I want to talk about two main areas that I struggle with on a daily basis. This is the nitty gritty of what keeps me over-weight.
Number One-
My dad used to say that "We choose according to what we desire most in the moment" In that moment, the mouth-watering key lime pie over-rides my decision to be healthy. I reach for the crunchy sweet or salty and place it in mouth without really considering more moments beyond the one that it takes to get that bite.
My goal victory would be that I choose beyond the moment and see what all those little bites together would mean. It is so important to continually ask God for guidance in this area. I believe that he does want victory for his people in this. We are pretty good at pushing down that little voice inside (think HOLY SPIRIT) we turn and yell "Quiet you" or rather mumble it because our mouths are full. Let's commit right here and now to listen to the still small and make our hearts tender.
Number Two-
I admit it, I eat to dull sadness, frustration in pain. How many times in the chick flick have we seen the girls sit down together and eat a pint of Ben and Jerrys.
It is so familiar it is a running gag in most Romantic Comedies. What is not comedic is how we allow this idea to become reinforced in our brains. I am sad therefore, ice cream I am! We are so afraid to confront our emotions and just sit with them feeling sad, alone or scared we do anything to avoid them. I just finished a study on The Life Of Moses and one thing I saw again and again in his life is his connection to our heavenly father. If he had a problem, he did not get a good friend and chat them up about it he went to the Ultimate friend and comforter Holy God. What an example for us. If instead of having chocolate on speed dial we went to the creator of our whole word how might our lives change? Life is full of pain but, each day we have the choice with how to deal with that pain.
If your reading this, how will you change today? It is not about jumping straight from an unhealthy weight to being perfectly fit. It is a daily battle and struggle. Each tiny victory won in Jesus name is huge.
Every step towards health is one in the right direction. So, don't think in grand sweeping gestures, pick one thing you can change TODAY.
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